The Massachusetts Emergency Response Team (M-ERT) helps manufacturers produce personal protective equipment and other medical devices for health care workers.
On May 30, during "MIT's Virtual Tech Reunions 2020," MIT Sloan Professor Thomas Kochan discussed three key challenges and opportunities in the wake of COVID-19.
While once cities might have been sites of disinvestment, today they're often sites of a high level of investment, but they largely exclude residents of color.
Study shows firms that move quickly to use robots tend to add workers to their payroll, while industry job losses more concentrated in firms that change more slowly.
Gig workers are organizing in tech-savvy ways; could the pandemic give America's labour movement a boost? Protestors outside Amazon in CA set up a picket line.
Today, one of the most critical post-pandemic priorities must be to restore and strengthen the resilience of the nation and the world. What will that look like?
Digital infrastructure, online applications, digitization, AI adoption, automation and the future of work are some recent demonstrations of digital resilience.
COVID-19 has already upended our economy in novel ways, and is poised to accelerate other forces, including automation, that were already reshaping the workforce.
After World War II, America renewed and made permanent well earned benefits for veterans. We should do the same today for the people who are on the front line.